Quanti gradi di varicocele ci sono?

Quanti gradi di varicocele ci sono?
CLASSIFICAZIONE CLINICA DEL VARICOCELE (sec. I GRADO: varicocele palpabile solo con la manovra di Valsalva*. II GRADO: varicocele palpabile anche senza eseguire il Valsalva*. III GRADO: varicocele palpabile e visibile.
Quanti uomini hanno il varicocele?
Il varicocele è molto comune; secondo stime recenti, infatti, ne soffrirebbe un uomo ogni 8 e riguarderebbe circa il 15% della popolazione maschile adulta. I soggetti maggiormente colpiti da varicocele sono gli individui di età compresa tra i 12 e i 28 anni.
What does a varicocele look like?
- A varicocele has been described as looking like a "bag of worms." The condition might cause a swollen testicle, almost always on the left side. Because a varicocele usually causes no symptoms, it often requires no treatment. Varicoceles might be discovered during a fertility evaluation or a routine physical exam.
Can a varicocele cause fertility problems?
- However, many experts believe a varicocele forms when the valves inside the veins in the cord prevent your blood from flowing properly. The resulting backup causes the veins to widen (dilate). This might cause damage to the testicle and result in worsened fertility. Varicoceles often form during puberty.
How do you get rid of varicocele naturally?
- Varicocele treatment. If there is just mild discomfort, supportive underpants (rather than boxer shorts) may help to ease or prevent discomfort. Treatment involves tying off the veins (blood vessels) that are enlarged. Another method of treatment is to use a special substance injected into the veins to block them.
Can you get a varicocele on the left side?
- However, when valves in the testicular vein don’t work properly, gravity can make blood collect in the scrotum, causing a varicocele. They usually occur on the left side, likely related to the course of the testicular vein in the abdomen. How common are varicoceles? Varicocele’s are very common, and they are not dangerous.