Quanto ci hanno messo a costruire la Mole Antonelliana?

Quanto ci hanno messo a costruire la Mole Antonelliana?
La storia della mole antonelliana è particolare: la costruzione dell'edificio partì a seguito dell'autorizzazione del Regio Decreto del e si completò parzialmente nel giro di 6 anni, con un'altezza pari a circa 70 metri.
In che anno è stata costruita la Mole?
1863 Mole Antonelliana/Costruzioni iniziate
What is the Mole Antonelliana in Turin?
- The Mole Antonelliana sits on a square base, where the entry and cinema museum are housed. You can buy a combined ticket for the Turin Cinema Museum and the Panoramic Lift. Especially if you’re interested in the history of filmmaking or Italian films, the museum is worth an hour or two of your time.
How tall is the Mole Antonelliana?
- Height. Architectural. 167.5 metres (550 ft) Design and construction. Architect. Alessandro Antonelli. The Mole Antonelliana ( pronounced [ˈmɔːle antonelˈljaːna]) is a major landmark building in Turin, Italy, named after its architect, Alessandro Antonelli. A mole in Italian is a building of monumental proportions.
What does Antonelliana stand for?
- Jump to navigation Jump to search. The Mole Antonelliana (pronounced [ˈmɔːle antonelˈljaːna]) is a major landmark building in Turin, Italy, named after its architect, Alessandro Antonelli. A mole in Italian is a building of monumental proportions.
What does a mole mean in Italian?
- A mole in Italian is a building of monumental proportions. Construction began in 1863, soon after Italian unification, and was completed in 1889, after the architect's death. Originally conceived of as a synagogue, it now houses the Museo Nazionale del Cinema, and is believed to be the tallest museum in the world.