Come si chiama la ragazza di Ron?

Come si chiama la ragazza di Ron?
Hermione Granger Lavanda Brown Ron Weasley/Partner
Chi è la ragazza più antipatica di Harry Potter?
Hermione Jean Granger Hermione Jean Granger (pronuncia britannica [hɜːˈmaɪ. ə.ni ˈdʒiːn ˈgreɪn. dʒə(ɹ)] o [hə-], nel doppiaggio italiano dei film pronunciato come il nome italiano "Ermione", [erˈmjoːne]) è una dei protagonisti della serie letteraria di Harry Potter, scritta da J. K. Rowling.
What is Hermione's real name the girl from Harry Potter?
- Emma Watson portrayed Hermione in all eight Harry Potter films. Watson's Oxford theatre teacher passed her name on to the casting agents of Philosopher's Stone, impressed with her school play performances. Though Watson took her audition seriously, she "never really thought she had any chance" of getting the part.
Why did Hermione erase her parents memory?
- In the movie, Hermione erases herself from her parents' memories and from any artifacts (such as pictures, and one can presume any documents too) which might indicate that they are related to her. Hermione does this to protect them from Voldemort, and also to protect them from the pain of her loss should she die while helping Harry defeat Voldy.
What Hermione was almost named in 'Harry Potter'?
- It was revealed that J.K. Rowling almost named our favorite young witch Hermione Puckle instead of the now famous Hermione Granger. The last name was swapped out in late drafts of the first book for the last name we have all come to know and love, and it's hard to imagine our young role model having anything about her character changed.
Is Hermione a real name?
- Hermine is the norwegian name for the Harry Potter character "Hermione Granger", and it's also an alternative version of this name.