Chi confina con l Alsazia?

Chi confina con l Alsazia?
È la più piccola delle regioni francesi e il suo territorio confina con la Germania a nord (Renania-Palatinato) e a est (Baden-Württemberg), con la Svizzera a sud e con le regioni Franca Contea a sudovest e Lorena a ovest. La morfologia delle regione presenta: a est: la pianura dell'Alsazia.
Chi voleva Alsazia e Lorena?
Da più di quarant'anni Parigi sognava di riappropriarsi di queste terre, vittime della loro stessa posizione: regioni di frontiera, l'Alsazia e la Lorena avevano fatto parte prima del Sacro Romano Impero, poi del regno di Luigi XIV, infine del Reich tedesco.
What is the origin of the term Alsatia?
- The term "Alsatia". "Alsatia", the Latin form of Alsace's name, entered the English language as "a lawless place" or "a place under no jurisdiction" prior to the 17th century as a reflection of the British perception of the region at that time. It was used into the 20th century as a term for a ramshackle marketplace,...
What is the population of Alsace in 2017?
- In 2017, it had a population of 1,889,589. Alsatian culture is characterized by a blend of Germanic and French influences. Until 1871, Alsace included the area now known as the Territoire de Belfort, which formed its southernmost part.
What is the official language of Alsace?
- The predominant historical language of Alsace is Alsatian, a Germanic (mainly Alemannic) dialect also spoken across the Rhine, but today most Alsatians primarily speak French, the official language of France.
How did Alsace become part of Austrasia?
- Clovis and the Franks defeated the Alemanni during the 5th century AD, culminating with the Battle of Tolbiac, and Alsace became part of the Kingdom of Austrasia. Under Clovis' Merovingian successors the inhabitants were Christianized.