What does it mean to first name someone?
- What does it mean to first name someone?
- What type of word is a first name?
- How do I fill out my first name and last name?
- Is last name my surname?
- Can first name be two words?
- What's the difference between a given name and a first name?
- What is your preferred first name?
- What is the least popular last name?
- What does the name first mean?

What does it mean to first name someone?
verb (used with object), first-named, first-nam·ing. to address (someone) by his or her first name, especially as a sign of informality or familiarity: The boss doesn't like the employees to first-name her.
What type of word is a first name?
The first element of a full name. "Address the students by their first name from the first day on."
How do I fill out my first name and last name?
First name will always be your birth name. Surname is second name, mostly your fathers name. Sometimes family name is also added as second surname.
Is last name my surname?
Your surname is your family name. It's also called your “last name.” When filling out applications, type your surname as it appears on your passport, travel or identity document.
Can first name be two words?
Some people - particular women - are commonly known and addressed by their first two names: they in effect form a two-word single name, and it might or might not be hyphenated. This is more common in the USA, with women called things like Bobbi Jo. The second element is often Jo, Jane, or Anne.
What's the difference between a given name and a first name?
- First Name: What the person usually goes by.
- Given Name: The legal first name of the person,if different from their first name.
- Nickname: Nicknames are optional names. They are shown on the person's profile page. Everyone knows this guy as Tom,and he calls himself Tom.
What is your preferred first name?
- A preferred name is a first name (i.e., given name) that may be chosen to be used instead of legal first name. Students may opt to go by a preferred name that is different from their legal first name. This name will appear instead of legal name in the UC Davis Campus Directory and in other university records and documents.
What is the least popular last name?
- According to American Last Names, a few of the least common US last names (with 100 individuals) include Dornink, Hibbets, Yaggy, Zeldes, Neahring, Vanhaverbeke, and Schottmiller among others (American last names ranks)
What does the name first mean?
- first name. n. a name given to a person at birth, as opposed to a surname. Also called: Christian name, forename or given name. Collins English Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014.