Quali sono i valori del puritanesimo?

Quali sono i valori del puritanesimo?
Ispirandosi al calvinismo, i puritani sostenevano che tutto quel che accade sulla Terra dipende unicamente dalla volontà imperscrutabile di Dio, ed essi stessi si sentivano eletti, cioè scelti da Dio (predestinati).
Quando sono arrivati i puritani in America?
Pilgrim fathers) Denominazione data ai 102 navigatori, membri di una Chiesa separatista inglese, che, salpati il da Plymouth (Inghilterra) sulla nave Mayflower, sbarcarono in America Settentrionale e vi fondarono la colonia di Plymouth (Massachusetts), prima comunità del puritanesimo nordamericano.
Chi erano i puritani e cosa volevano?
I puritani sono i seguaci del puritanesimo, un movimento sorto nell'ambito del protestantesimo calvinista inglese durante il XVI secolo. Lo scopo di questo movimento era, appunto, quello di "purificare" la Chiesa d'Inghilterra da tutte le forme non previste dalle Sacre Scritture.
Why did Puritans flee England?
- The Puritans moved to America seeking freedom of worship. They fled to escape persecution from the Church of England as well as from the ruling class. The Puritans felt that the reformation within the Church of England had not gone far enough.
What motivated the Puritans to flee England?
- Therefore, just as many other Puritans were motivated to flee England during the seventeenth century for religious freedom, so too did Shepard and his wife leave in hopes of living in accordance with their beliefs free from the religious oppressions of old England.
Why were the Puritans persecuted?
- In fact, the Puritans had left England because they had been considered heretics there, and had been persecuted by the government. Technically, they were not heretics because they did not leave the official Church of England ( the Anglican Church ), but their demands for big changes to that church made them outsiders.
What did the Puritans want to do?
- The Puritans wanted to "purify" the Church of England. They did not want to move away from the church as the Pilgrims did. They just wanted to change some of its ways. The Puritans were treated badly in England because of their beliefs. The Puritans came to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630.