Cosa vuol dire Ginger in inglese?


Cosa vuol dire Ginger in inglese?

Cosa vuol dire Ginger in inglese?

1 (Bot,Gastron,Farm) zenzero m. 2 (colloq) (spirit, liveliness) animazione f., vivacità f., brio m. 3 (colour) color m. fulvo, rossiccio m.

Che colore è lo zenzero?

Lo zenzero è un alimento (radice commestibile) che ha principalmente il ruolo di spezia piccante, con aroma gradevole, caldo e pungente. Si presenta come una specie di "tubero", con forma decisamente irregolare, più o meno allungato e bitorzoluto, di colore variabile tra il marroncino e il giallo pallido.

What is the scientific name of ginger plant?

  • Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a flowering plant whose rhizome, ginger root or ginger, is widely used as a spice and a folk medicine. It is a herbaceous perennial which grows annual pseudostems (false stems made of the rolled bases of leaves) about one meter tall bearing narrow leaf blades.

What does the ginger grammar checker correct?

  • The Ginger Grammar Checker corrects a vast range of grammar use mistakes. Most grammar corrector tools claiming to perform a grammar check based on English grammar rules are not able to identify the majority of grammar errors; therefore many of these common writing errors are overlooked.

What can Ginger do for You?

  • With Ginger, the AI-powered writing assistant, correct your texts, improve your style and boost your creativity. Ginger goes beyond spelling and grammar. It takes into account full sentences to suggest context-based corrections. This drastically speeds up your writing - especially for long emails or documents!

What is download Ginger Software?

  • Download. Ginger Software is an award-winning productivity-focused company that helps you write faster and better, thanks to grammar checker , punctuation, and spell checker tools which automatically detect and correct misused words and grammar mistakes.

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