How do you use the word respite?


How do you use the word respite?

How do you use the word respite?

Respite in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Gardening is the perfect hobby for those who need respite from hectic city life.
  2. After driving through the desert all day, Jack welcomed the respite of an air-conditioned hotel room.
  3. In most places, summer brings a much-needed respite to teachers and students alike.

What does re mean in respite?

Respite may look like it rhymes with despite, but this word has a stress on its first syllable (RES-pit). It comes from the Latin word respectus, meaning refuge, but we almost always use respite to describe a time, not a place, of relief.

Can you say a respite?

0:491:04How To Say Respite - YouTubeYouTubeInizio del clip suggeritoFine del clip suggeritoRespite or respite also american respite you.MoreRespite or respite also american respite you.

Which is the best synonym for respite?


  • rest, break, breathing space, interval, intermission, interlude, recess, lull, pause, time out, hiatus, halt, stop, stoppage, cessation, discontinuation, standstill.
  • relief, relaxation, repose.
  • informal breather, let-up.

What do you mean by percolate?

Percolate comes from a Latin verb meaning "to put through a sieve". Something that percolates filters through something else, just as small particles pass through a sieve. Water is drawn downward through the soil, and this percolation usually cleans the water.

What is the prefix of respite?

According to Etymonline, the word respite has been used since the mid-13th century in Middle English as a noun. ... This is the noun use of the past participle of respicere. The Latin respicere means to regard or consider, from the prefix re meaning back and specere meaning to look at.

What is respite care for child?

Respite care for children is temporary care which allows you as parents to take a break from looking after your child. We know how hard it can be at times and how important it is for you to take a break and relax yourself.

Why do Americans say respite?

Respite is a noun indicating a brief period of rest from something hard or unpleasant. Respite also has a legal meaning, where it can mean a reprieve of a sentence, especially in the case of a death sentence.

Why is respite pronounced?

The word respite came into English from the Old French respit, but respite ultimately originates from the Latin respectus, which means "the act of looking back at". ... The second syllable is pronounced differently: in British English it is pronounced as -pite, which when pronounced rhymes with bite.

What's the opposite of respite?

Opposite of a short break or intermission from something difficult or unpleasant. advance. beginning. blame. censure.

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