What is the meaning of TITP?


What is the meaning of TITP?

What is the meaning of TITP?

POEA List of Qualified Sending Organization for Japan's Technical Intern Training Program (TITP)

Who can apply for TITP?

1. Qualification/Eligibility

  • Pass in 3-year polytechnic/2-year ITI course.
  • Mechanical - Automobile Repair & Maintenance, Care Worker, Tailoring, etc., preferred but others considered.
  • Sector - Agriculture, Construction, Food Manufacturing, Textile & Other Sectors.

What is TITP Japan program?

Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) is one such program in Japan that promotes the acceptance of foreign human resources, who acquire skills and knowledge by working as technical interns in Japan.

How do I apply for technical intern training in Japan?

For technical intern trainees to be accepted under the supervising organization type program, the supervising organization must submit: an application for license of the supervising organization (the first time trainees are accepted), an application for accreditation of the technical intern training plan to the ...

How can I become a trainee in Japan?

In order to be eligible for a training visa, the applicants should fit some conditions:

  1. Being at least 18 years of age.
  2. Willingness to apply the acquired skills and experience in their home country.
  3. Being enrolled in an institution overseas able to transfer you to Japan.

What is SSW visa?

The new visa “Specified Skilled Worker” is designed to supply the shortage of workforce in Japan. ... Before the introduction of this visa, all foreign workers were required to have specific qualifications such as academic degree, special skill, or work experience, thus unskilled laboring was not permitted.

What is jitco certificate?

Japan International Trainee & Skilled Worker Cooperation Organization (JITCO) promotes the acceptance of foreign human resources such as Technical Intern Trainees and Specified Skilled Workers as a part of its organizational aim of contribution to the development of the international economic society.

How can I apply for SSW in Japan?

What are the Requirements to Apply for the SSW Visa? Applying for an SSW visa will require you to look for a job or a supporting organization and then pass a Japanese language test as well as an industry-specific skills exam to show that you are ready to work.

What is SSW visa in Japan?

In April 2019, Japan established a new status of residence, "Specified Skilled Worker (SSW)", to welcome capable specialists from overseas countries to work in certain Japanese industrial fields, to function as workers ready to take on jobs without prior training.

What does a technical intern do?

Technical Internships are work experience offered by employers for students and graduates to gain exposure in specialized fields such as medicine, engineering, computer programming, and investment banking. ... These internships generally last 2-3 months and sometimes offer a stipend.

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