Quanto costa la Roma Pass?


Quanto costa la Roma Pass?

Quanto costa la Roma Pass?

euro 52,00 A soli euro 52,00. Roma Pass 72 Hours, promossa da Roma Capitale e dal Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali, in collaborazione con ATAC, è la card turistico-culturale della Capitale che offre riduzioni e servizi ai turisti per godere le bellezze di Roma.

Dove ritirare Omnia Card Roma?

Ritira il tuo pass OMNIA a uno dei seguenti indirizzi:

  • Collection Desk - Piazza Pio XII, 9 (Basilica di San Pietro, nell'angolo in fondo a sinistra della piazza). ...
  • Collection Desk - Largo Argentina, Via dei Cestari 21 (Pantheon). ...
  • Collection Desk - Piazza di Porta S.

Come acquistare la Mic card?

La Mic Card si può comprare in tutti i Musei Civici, nei Tourist Infopoint di Termini, Minghetti, Fori Imperiali, Castel Sant'Angelo, Ciampino, Fiumicino, online sui sito www.museiincomuneroma.it (da ritirare e attivare in un Museo o un Tourist Infopoint).

What is the Rome pass card?

  • The Rome Pass card is a tourist card that gives you reduced-price tickets to the major attractions in the city and unlimited use of the public transport for two or three days, depending on the card you purchase. Visitors can either buy a 2-day or a 3-day pass.

What is the difference between the Roma Pass and Omnia card?

  • The Roma Pass and the Blue Siat Pass are valid for the National Museums with the exception of the Borghese Gallery and for the Museums of the Municipality of Rome, the Omnia Card is also valid for the Vatican Museums. To the list of National Museums and Museums of the Municipality of Rome>.

What is the Roma city pass and how does it work?

  • The Roma City Pass doesn’t limit you to just staying in Rome. You can enjoy 20% off excursions to nearby cities, like Venice, Florence, and Capri Island. You can even visit the ruins of Pompeii during your trip to Rome, with the Roma City Pass in your pocket. Make your booking.

What is the 72-hour pass for Rome?

  • Roma Pass 72 Hours, which is sponsored by Rome City Council and the Ministry for the Arts and Cultural Activities, in collaboration with ATAC, the public transport company, is the capital’s special tourist-cultural card that allows tourists to access a variety of discounts and services that make it easier and cheaper to enjoy the beauty of Rome.

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