Come si curano le protrusioni cervicali?


Come si curano le protrusioni cervicali?

Come si curano le protrusioni cervicali?

Il trattamento chirurgico della protrusione discale consiste in un intervento di discectomia. La discectomia è l'operazione chirurgica che prevede l'asportazione del disco intervertebrale danneggiato o non più funzionale, e la sostituzione di quest'ultimo con una sorta di protesi.

Quando è necessario operare cervicale?

L'intervento chirurgico si effettua quando l'ernia è completamente espulsa, i sintomi clinici sono molto acuti e rendono difficile la mobilità del collo, e soprattutto quando la compressione dell'ernia rischia di danneggiare il nervo.

What are the symptoms of a C5-C6 disc protrusion?

  • What Are the Symptoms of a C5-6 Disc Protrusion? A C5-C6 disk protrusion or herniation can cause weakness in the biceps muscle and pain, numbness and tingling down from the biceps through the lateral side arm and into the thumb and index finger, explains the University of Florida Department of Neurosurgery.

How does the C5-6 test work?

  • C5-6, C6-7 disc protrusion. That it works by detecting the attempts to move a muscle group sent from the brain. These attempts are then shown in the display as signals over regular muscle activity. It has a built in microprocessor that can distinguish between regular muscle activity and real attempts.

What is the function of C5 and C6 vertebrae?

  • The C5-C6 vertebrae are located in the lower portion of the cervical spine (upper back and neck). The role of the intervertebral discs is to provide cushioning between the individual vertebra of the spine, to help evenly distribute force throughout the spine, and to facilitate spinal flexibility.

What is a disc protrusion between the L4 and L5?

  • A disc protrusion most often occurs between the L4 and L5 vertebrae, or the L5 and S1 vertebrae. The sacrum is a triangular bone consisting of five fused vertebrae (S1 to S5) located below the lumbar region.

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