Quando si fa la stomia?

Quando si fa la stomia?
La stomia permanente si rende necessaria quando deve essere asportato il retto e gli sfinteri anali come nel caso di un tumore del retto molto basso (es. intervento di Miles).
Dove si trova la stomia?
La stomia è un'apertura creata chirurgicamente sull'addome per consentire la fuoriuscita degli effluenti (feci o urine) dall'organismo, poiché un tratto dell'apparato digerente o urinario sono compromessi da una patologia e non possono svolgere le normali funzioni.
What is a stoma supposed to look like?
- A healthy stoma will appear large, red and swollen immediately after surgery. After a few weeks of recovery, however, the stoma should appear much smaller and shrink only slightly past the skin. The stoma may appear shriveled and puckered, almost like a belly button.
How should stoma look?
- The way the stoma looks depends on the type of colostomy the surgeon makes and on individual body differences. It may look quite large at first, but will shrink to its final size about 6 to 8 weeks after surgery. The shape will be round to oval. Some stomas may stick out a little, while others are flat against the skin.
Is it normal for a stoma to bleed?
- A stoma is red in colour. This is because it is a mucous membrane, just like the mucous membrane inside your mouth. There is no sensation in the stoma, so it is not at all painful to touch. The stoma can bleed a little when being cleaned, especially in the beginning, but this is quite normal, and should stop shortly afterwards.
What does stoma mean?
- A stoma is an opening in your belly's wall that a surgeon makes in order for waste to leave your body if you can't have a bowel movement through your rectum. You might get one if you have surgery to remove or bypass part of your large intestine ( colon and rectum) and can't have bowel movements the usual way.