Cosa sono i semi di vaccaria?
Cosa sono i semi di vaccaria?
La vaccaria è una pianta che ha dei semi caratterizzati da minuscola dimensione e irregolarità della propria superficie. Questa peculiarità li rende particolarmente adatti alla stimolazione della cute dell'orecchio.
Come usare i semi di vaccaria?
I semi di vaccaria vanno manipolati durante il giorno, per stimolare l'area. Si prende l'orecchio tra indice e pollice, in corrispondenza del seme e si pizzica per un minuto, di tanto in tanto. Chi ricorre ai piccoli magneti potrà anche evitare questa manovra, perché sarà il materiale stesso ad agire.
Quali malattie si possono curare con l'agopuntura?
- Terapia del dolore: periartriti, artrite reumatoide, dolori post-operatori, osteoartrosi, lombosciatalgie, ecc.
- Disturbi neurologici: cefalee, emicranie, nevralgie, vertigini, paresi, emiplegie da ictus cerebrale, ecc.
- Disturbi di pertinenza otorinolaringoiatrica: otiti, sinusiti, acufeni, riniti, ecc.
What is vaccaria (vaccaria)?
- It is an annual herb with blue-gray, waxy herbage and pale pink flowers. It is native to Eurasia but can be found in many other regions as an introduced species and a common weed. The seeds of Vaccaria are used in Chinese medicine. This medicinal ingredient is known as Wang Bu Liu Xing.
What is the scientific name for vaccaria segetalis?
- Vaccaria segetalis (Neck.) Garcke ex Asch. Vaccaria is a monotypic genus of flowering plants in the pink family containing the single species Vaccaria hispanica. It is known by several common names including cowherb, cowcockle, cow basil, cow soapwort, and prairie carnation. Its subspecies were previously treated as separate species.
What is the scientific name of Saponaria vaccaria?
- Saponaria vaccaria L. Vaccaria pyramidata Medik. Vaccaria segetalis (Neck.) Garcke ex Asch. Vaccaria is a monotypic genus of flowering plants in the pink family containing the single species Vaccaria hispanica. It is known by several common names including cowherb, cowcockle, cow basil, cow soapwort, and prairie carnation.
What is vaccaria (Wang Bu Liu Xing)?
- It is native to Eurasia but can be found in many other regions as an introduced species and a common weed. The seeds of Vaccaria are used in Chinese medicine. This medicinal ingredient is known as Wang Bu Liu Xing. It is supposed to promote diuresis and milk secretion, activate blood circulation and relieve swelling.