Come intervenire sul glaucoma?

Come intervenire sul glaucoma?
La procedura chirurgica considerata "standard" per il trattamento del glaucoma è la trabeculectomia. Quest'intervento è praticato in regime ambulatoriale, previa somministrazione di anestesia locale, e richiede, in genere, un paio d'ore per l'esecuzione.
Quali sono le cause del glaucoma?
Tra le cause dei glaucomi vi sono infezioni, infiammazioni e neoplasie degli occhi, diabete, accumulo di sostanze nei canali di drenaggio dell'occhio, blocco della circolazione sanguigna dell'occhio, uso prolungato di cortisonici, problemi congeniti all'occhio, urti e interventi chirurgici agli occhi.
Is there a cure for glaucoma?
- Again, we are not claiming to have a cure. But you can get rid of the underlying root causes of glaucoma so your eye pressure comes down and stays down. That way the nutrients can reach the optic nerve fibers in the back of your eye again.
Can cataract surgery cure closed-angle glaucoma?
- There is strong evidence that cataract surgery can effectively cure closed-angle glaucoma. Also, new stents have come to market that can be inserted in the ophthalmologist's office with a syringe, completely avoiding surgery.
How effective is eye pressure treatment for glaucoma?
- Treating your eye pressure does nothing to cure glaucoma. It doesn't treat the eye disease. It just makes your life more bearable for a few hours. But that's it!
Is there a treatment for glaucoma that stops progression without IOP?
- For them, there is great need for treatments that stop progression independent of IOP. Eyedrops are the standard medication option for glaucoma patients. They lower fluid pressure by stimulating the eye’s own drainage system or by decreasing the eye’s fluid production. Laser light is used to open drainage channels in the eye.