What does merge mean example?

What does merge mean example?
The verb merge means to seamlessly join something. For example, when you merge onto the highway, you need to smoothly join the traffic, forgetting everything you learned riding the bumper cars at the fair. If two or more things become one, they merge.
What does it mean to merge with someone?
To cause someone or something to join, unite, or blend in with something else. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "merge" and "with." They're merging our department with the marketing team to improve efficiency, or so they say.
What does Meger mean?
German: nickname from Middle High German mager, meger 'lean', 'thin'.
How do you use merging in a sentence?
Merging sentence example. It rises gradually southward, merging into the plateau of the Sinai peninsula.
How do you use merge in a sentence?
join or combine.
- They decided to merge the two companies into one.
- We can merge our two small businesses into a larger one.
- The bank announced that it was to merge with another of the high street banks.
- Memories seemed to merge with reality.
- The two roads merge a mile ahead.
- His department will merge with mine.
What is merging psychology?
Psychological merger is said to occur in all relationships at moments of sexual and emotional intimacy. Problems occur when merged partners find it difficult or undesirable to think, act, or feel separately from each other.
What is murge?
1 : to cause to combine, unite, or coalesce (see coalesce sense 2) merged the two companies. 2 : to blend gradually by stages that blur distinctions individuality and uniqueness are merged and blurred— Norman Kelman. 3 archaic : to plunge or engulf in something : immerse. intransitive verb.
What is merging answer?
To merge is to take two or more groups of data and combine them into a single unified set.
What does merge mean when driving?
The merge sign is a regulatory sign. Drivers who encounter a merge sign are warned that two separate roadways will converge into one lane ahead. The merging traffic sign will typically indicate which lane should be merging into the other.
What is the noun of merge?
merger. The act or process of merging two or more parts into a single unit.