Come si veste Miss Marple?

Come si veste Miss Marple?
Chi è Miss Marple. La nostra protagonista tende spesso a vestire di nero o scuro, sovente la vediamo indossare cuffie o guanti di pizzo. Ha i capelli bianchi e gli occhi azzurri. Questa almeno è la descrizione che viene fatta nei libri.
Dove abita Miss Marple?
Miss Marple vive nei pressi di Miss Hartnell e del vicariato locale, ma il luogo dove maggiormente ama stare è il giardino dove lei passa molte ore e, come lei stessa ammette, «vivendo così soli, in una parte del mondo quasi remota, è necessario avere un passatempo.
When was the first Miss Marple published?
- (Sir Henry Clithering, The Body in the Library) Miss Marple first came into being in 1927 in The Tuesday Night Club, a short story pulled together into the collection The Thirteen Problems. It was first published in the December 1927 issue of Royal Magazine.
What is the plot of Jane Marple?
- Crime Drama Mystery Amateur detective Miss Jane Marple investigates the murder of a young woman whose body is found in the library at Gossington Hall, home of Colonel and Mrs. Arthur Bantry.
What kind of character is Miss Marple Agatha Christie?
- Miss Marple. Miss Marple is a fictional character in Agatha Christie 's crime novels and short stories. An elderly spinster who lives in the village of St. Mary Mead and acts as an amateur consulting detective, she is one of the most loved and famous of Christie's characters and has been portrayed numerous times on screen.
What is the error code for Jane Marple?
- (Error Code: 102630) Amateur detective Miss Jane Marple investigates the murder of a young woman whose body is found in the library at Gossington Hall, home of Colonel and Mrs. Arthur Bantry.