Che cos'è la ginecomastia bilaterale?


Che cos'è la ginecomastia bilaterale?

Che cos'è la ginecomastia bilaterale?

Con il termine "ginecomastia" si fa riferimento nei soggetti di sesso maschile all'ingrossamento – per cause non tumorali – del tessuto mammario. Può interessare entrambe le mammelle o manifestarsi in modo asimmetrico. Può essere associata a dolore.

Quanto costa fare un intervento di ginecomastia?

In generale, un intervento di ginecomastia ha un prezzo variabile da 4.000 € a 5.500 €.

Do you have bilateral gynecomastia?

  • If you answered – Yes to one of these questions, then you have a condition called Bilateral Gynecomastia. For men dealing with bilateral gynecomastia, the first signs are usually swollen breasts or tenderness in the breasts.

Can bilateral gynaecomastia be cured?

  • Although bilateral gynaecomastia is not a severe disorder and can be cured, the discomfort and the feeling of rejection associated with it can lead to many affected men feeling disgraced and low with confidence. Hence, to hide this condition, many of them try strange ways like wearing a lot of clothes.

What is the prevalence of gynecomastia in adults?

  • Gynecomastia in adults. The prevalence of gynecomastia peaks again between the ages of 50 and 69. At least 1 in 4 men in this age group is affected. A number of medications can cause gynecomastia. These include: Anti-androgens used to treat an enlarged prostate, prostate cancer and other conditions.

What medications are used to treat gynecomastia?

  • AIDS medications. Gynecomastia can develop in men who are HIV -positive and receiving a treatment regimen called highly active antiretroviral therapy. Efavirenz (Sustiva) is more commonly associated with gynecomastia than are other HIV medications. Anti-anxiety medications, such as diazepam (Valium). Tricyclic antidepressants. Antibiotics.

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