Come si presenta la talassemia?
Come si presenta la talassemia?
Oltre all'anemia, i pazienti affetti da talassemia possono manifestare uno o più dei seguenti sintomi: affaticamento, alterazione dell'umore (irritabilità), deficit della crescita, deformità delle ossa facciali, ittero, respiro corto e urine scure.
Come si cura la talassemia?
TRASFUSIONI DI SANGUE A VITA Nei casi più gravi di beta-talassemia l'unica cura consiste in continue trasfusioni di sangue -per tutta la vita- che hanno l'obiettivo di mantenere adeguati i livelli di emoglobina. La cadenza dipende dal livello di severità della malattia.
What are the signs and symptoms of thalassemia?
- Signs and symptoms. Infection: People with thalassemia have an increased risk of infection. This is especially true if the spleen has been removed. Bone deformities: Thalassemia can make the bone marrow expand, which causes bones to widen. This can result in abnormal bone structure, especially in the face and skull.
What is the treatment for thalassemia in Cyprus?
- A screening policy exists in Cyprus to reduce the rate of thalassemia, which, since the program's implementation in the 1970s (which also includes prenatal screening and abortion), has reduced the number of children born with the disease from one of every 158 births to almost zero.
How is assisted reproductive technology used to diagnose thalassemia?
- There is a form of assisted reproductive technology diagnosis, which screens an embryo in its early stages for genetic mutations combined with in vitro fertilization. This might help parents who have thalassemia or who are carriers of a defective hemoglobin gene have healthy babies.
What kind of doctor should I see if I have thalassemia?
- If you do have thalassemia, you should see a blood expert known as a hematologist. You may also need other special doctors on your team, like those who treat the heart or liver. With a mild case, you may feel tired and not need treatment.