Chi è Artemisia?

Chi è Artemisia?
Artemisia Gentileschi è stata una grande pittrice del periodo barocco. Di padre pittore e fortemente influenzata da Caravaggio, la Gentileschi è una delle donne tra le più note della storia dell'arte. Artemisia Gentileschi fu una pittrice barocca del XVI secolo.
Quando nasce Artemisia?
8 luglio 1593Artemisia Gentileschi / Data di nascita
Quando muore Artemisia?
1653Artemisia Gentileschi / Data di morte
Come è morta Artemisia?
1653Artemisia Gentileschi / Data di morte
What does the name Artemisia mean?
- The name Artemisia is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Artemisia is: Gift from Artemis. Of Artemis, the Greek counterpart of the Roman goddess Diana. 4th Century Queen of Caria, Artemisia, was responsible for the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus , one of the Seven Wonders of the World .
Was Artemisia Greek or Persian?
- Artemisia Biography: Her story comes to us from Herodotus . Artemisia was the ruler of Halicarnassus (near today's Bodrum , Turkey) and its neighboring islands, part of the Persian empire then ruled by Xerxes . She assumed the throne after the death of her husband. When Xerxes went to war against Greece (480-479 B.C.E.),...
What are the medical uses of Artemisia absinthium?
- Anti-inflammatory and Anodyne property. This is due to the presence of azulenes in the wormwood. ...
- Emmenagogue. It acts as an Emmenagogue and improves the menstrual flow. ...
- Brain tonic. ...
- Anti-depressant nature. ...
- Febrifuge. ...
- Diuretic. ...
- Helps treat many conditions. ...
- Useful for women. ...
- Bradycardia. ...
- Loss of appetite. ...
Where was Artemisia born?
- Born in Rome, Italy, on J, Artemisia Gentileschi is credited as one of the greatest female painters of the Baroque period.