Quando si festeggia San Ezio?

Quando si festeggia San Ezio?
6 marzo L'onomastico si può festeggiare il 6 marzo in memoria di sant'Ezio, uno dei quarantadue martiri di Amorio, oppure il 14 agosto in ricordo di sant'Ezio, vescovo di Barcellona.
Cosa vuol dire il nome Ezio?
Il nome deriva dal greco Aètios e significa "amico, amante".
Quanti Ezio ci sono in Italia?
In Italia si chiamano Ezio circa 58179 persone (217° nome più comune) ovvero approssimativamente 0.0964% della popolazione Italiana.
How old was Ezio when he died?
- He retired from the Assassins and lived as a farmer in Florence until he died of a heart attack at the age of 65 in a market in Florence, having married Sofia Sartor and started his own family. Ezio was born in the Repubblica Fiorentina on , as the second son of Giovanni and Maria Auditore.
How old is Ezio Auditore?
- Ezio Auditore was born on June 24th, 1459 to Giovanni Auditore, a member of the Assassin order, and the Italian noblewoman Maria de Mozzi. After his birth, Ezio appeared stillborn to his mother, but began to move and cry after getting words of encouragement from his father.
Why did Ezio go to San Gimignano?
- Despite receiving a year of training, Ezio still refused to his assassin heritage, much to the sadness of Mario, who decided to track Vieri with his men. Hearing of his this information, Ezio traveled to San Gimignano out of guilt since Vieri was only attacking Monteriggioni due to him being there.
Why does Ezio call his father a fighter?
- He appeared to be stillborn, but, after some words of encouragement from his father, he began to cry, leading his father to call him a "fighter". Ezio was the younger brother of Federico and the older brother of Petruccio and Claudia Auditore.