Come arrivare a Zoomarine con i mezzi?

Come arrivare a Zoomarine con i mezzi?
Per arrivare a Zoomarine in auto da Roma, ci si deve immettere sul raccordo e dal Grande Raccordo Anulare, prendere l'uscita 26 Pontina (SS148) in direzione Latina e poi proseguire per 10 km fino all'uscita Pomezia-Torvaianica.
What is zoozoomarine in Rome?
- Zoomarine is a watery playground for aquatic animals and people. This amusement park/aquarium is located just outside of Rome, on the Italian coast. With its many shows and attractions, it's one of the best things to do during the hot summer months. In fact, it's frequently voted one of the best amusement parks for families.
What is the difference between EAZA and Zoomarine?
- Zoomarine only shelters only animals born in the park or in other EAZA (European Associatons of Zoos and Aquaria) zoological structures, and host them under the most rigorous international standards. Zoomarine is a leader Amusement Park in Italy and it is part of the touristic pole of the city of Rome.
How to get to Zoomarine Park?
- The park is easy to visit it since you can get online tickets to Zoomarine including a shuttle bus transfer from Rome Termini (central station) to the park. Care for swimming or surfing?
What is the history of zonezoomarine?
- Zoomarine's brand was created in Portugal where the company Mundo Aquatico - Parques Oceanograficos de Entretenimento Educativo SA - has been running the Albufeire Park since 1991: the first water-related theme park in Portugal.