Come capire se sto cadendo in depressione?

Come capire se sto cadendo in depressione?
I SINTOMI DELLE DEPRESSIONE Insonnia o ipersonnia quasi ogni giorno. Agitazione o rallentamento psicomotorio quasi ogni giorno. Affaticamento o mancanza di energia quasi ogni giorno. Sentimenti di autosvalutazione oppure sentimenti eccessivi o inappropriati di colpa quasi ogni giorno.
Cosa misura la scala di Hamilton?
A volte viene definita scala Norwood-Hamilton o semplicemente scala Norwood. La scala è regolarmente utilizzata dai medici per valutare la gravità della calvizie, ma non è considerata molto affidabile poiché le conclusioni degli esaminatori possono variare.
How to score the Hamilton Depression Scale?
- The Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (Hamilton, 1960; Hamilton, 1967) is a 17-item instrument that was designed to measure frequency and intensity of depressive symptoms in individuals with major depressive disorder. Ratings are made using either a five- or a three-point scale, yielding total scores from zero to 61.
What is the best diagnostic test for depression?
- There is no specific test to diagnose depression. Diagnosing depression includes completing a complete family, medical, and mental health history. This also includes a history of alcohol and drug use. It is very important to be as accurate as possible in describing a history of alcohol and drug use.
What is the Hamilton Depression Scale?
- The Hamilton Depression Scale (HDS or HAMD) is a test measuring the severity of depressive symptoms in individuals, often those who have already been diagnosed as having a depressive disorder. It is sometimes known as the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD) or the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS).
What is the Hamilton Anxiety Scale?
- The Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAS or HAMA) is a 14-item test measuring the severity of anxiety symptoms. It is also sometimes called the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS). The HAS is used to assess the severity of anxiety symptoms present in children and adults.