Che cos'è la flora costiera?


Che cos'è la flora costiera?

Che cos'è la flora costiera?

Le scogliere della nostra costa non si presentano brulle ma, a tratti, esse sono colonizzate da una fitta vegetazione che comprende sia specie alofile che della macchia mediterranea. ... Tale vegetazione costituita da arbusti intervallati da prati o da suolo nudo è denominata gariga.

Quali sono le piante che vivono in mare o sulle coste?

Fanerogame o piante marine: Le uniche piante marine presenti nel Mar Mediterraneo sono la Cimodocea, la Posidonia e due specie del genere Zostera. Queste piante formano grandi praterie sulla sabbia e sul fango a basse profondità.

What is the Flor de la Mar?

  • Apart from the treasures of Malacca, the Flor de la Mar is said to have been transporting an impressive tribute from the King of Siam to the Portuguese king, as well as all of de Albuquerque’s personal fortune. This was the largest treasure ever assembled by the Portuguese navy.

Why stay at Flora del Mar?

  • Beautiful views from all rooms. Casual and sophisticated in an old world style. Up until a few years ago, the land on which Flora del Mar was built, was part of a chile pepper farm, like much of the surrounding area of Todos Santos, adjacent to the dunes.

What does florflor do Mar stand for?

  • Flor do Mar or Flor de la Mar (Flower of the Sea), spelled Frol de la Mar in all Portuguese chronicles of the 16th century, was a Portuguese nau ( carrack) of 400 tons, which over nine years participated in decisive events in the Indian Ocean until her sinking in November 1511.

Where was florflor do Mar built?

  • Flor do Mar was built in Lisbon in 1502, being one of the finest vessels of the time. She was built for the Portuguese India run. At 400 tons, she was the largest carrack yet built, nearly twice the size of the largest ships that had gone on previous runs.

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