Come registrarsi su Sweatcoin?


Come registrarsi su Sweatcoin?

Come registrarsi su Sweatcoin?

Come funziona Sweatcoin La prima cosa che devi fare è scaricare l'app (gratuitamente), registrarsi con la propria mail e nome ed in seguito l'app si collegherà al GPS ed alla cartella salute.

Come si usa l'app SweatCoin?

Ma come funziona SweatCoin app? Funziona così: gli utenti si registrano e collegano i propri dati di salute e fitness dello smartphone e la posizione GPS all'app. L'app tiene quindi traccia di quanti passi fai in un giorno e ti premia con un valore monetario "SweatCoin" (sudore in inglese) in base ai tuoi movimenti.

What is Sweatcoin and how does it work?

  • At its core, Sweatcoin is a mobile app that tracks your movement throughout the day and converts the steps you take into cash. The concept is to incent you to get off the couch, break away from the desk at work and start moving.

Can I buy or sell Sweatcoin?

  • Sweatcoins can only be earned by physical movement, and are therefore not purchasable within our App. There are a number of unregulated peer-to-peer exchanges out there that provide markets for users to buy and sell Sweatcoins. These have no affiliation with Sweatco Ltd. and we advise caution if you are considering going down this path.

Does Sweatcoin cost anything?

  • Sweatcoin will never charge you money to use its services, and it does not cost money. It is a free downloadable app. Want to get started? Click here to download Sweatcoin!

How do I Spend my sweatcoins?

  • How do I spend Sweatcoins? The primary way to spend is through Sweatcoin's built-in shop. The products on offer here are on constant rotation and are mostly provided for free or at a discount by retailers who see the app as a good marketing opportunity.

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