Come arrivare a Blue Lagoon Islanda?

Come arrivare a Blue Lagoon Islanda?
Il modo più semplice e veloce per raggiungere la Laguna Blu da Reykjavík è noleggiare un'auto. In soli 50 minuti di auto, infatti, raggiungerete l'ampio parcheggio gratuito della Blue Lagoon.
Quanto stare alla Blue Lagoon?
2 ore Noi ti consigliamo un minimo di 2 ore per godertela appieno fino ad un massimo di 5. Stare di più al suo interno può essere stancante per via del contrasto freddo dell'ambiente circostante e caldo per la temperatura dell'acqua.
How much does it cost to go to Blue Lagoon?
- Ages 2 to 13 get FREE general entrance into the Blue Lagoon, add-ons may be purchased. For those 14+ there are 4 different packages you can choose from: Cost: $76.00 Cost: $96.00 Cost: $498.00 What Time Does The Blue Lagoon Iceland Open? How Long Do You Need At Blue Lagoon Iceland?
Does Blue Lagoon offer Senior Discount?
- Unfortunately, Blue Lagoon does not offer a senior discount. Can pregnant women bathe in the lagoon? Each individual is responsible for their own health and wellbeing while using the Blue Lagoon. The temperature of the water is between 37° and 40°C (98°-104°F).
What is the entrance fee for Blue Lagoon?
- Most people who visit Blue Lagoon say that it is an extremely interesting and beautiful place to visit. The boat tours are well worth the cost, which is around $30US, or about 3000 JMD. Otherwise, this is a free landmark as there is no entrance fee.
How long to spend at the Blue Lagoon?
- Most people stay for about 2 to 3 hours. Visiting the Blue Lagoon can be enjoyed any time of day or night, rain or shine, so don’t worry if you have a 7:00 PM slot. It’s not like you’re gonna be laying out in the sun during the daytime anyways. The space is well-lit and beautiful any time of day.