Quanta acqua vuole la portulaca?

Quanta acqua vuole la portulaca?
Questa pianta necessita di annaffiature scarse ma regolari per fiorire copiosamente; quindi annaffiare ogni qual volta il terreno sia ben asciutto, evitando di inzuppare troppo il substrato, infatti le portulache sopportano senza problemi la siccità, ma temono gli eccessi d'acqua.
Come si chiama la Brucacchia in italiano?
Nel nostro Paese prende nomi diversi a seconda del posto in cui ci si trova: nel Lazio viene chiamata porcacchia, in Lombardia viene chiamata erba grassa o porcellana, in Abruzzo viene chiamata precacchia, nelle Marche viene chiamata porcacchia, nel Salento brucacchia e così via.
Can Portulaca be grown indoors?
- Portulaca, also known as moss rose, needs full sunlight to thrive, so it should not be grown indoors. The best places to grow portulaca is in containers, rock gardens and hanging baskets.
Can you keep Portulaca indoors?
- Portulacas do not transplant easily so if you are starting them off indoors grow them in peat or expandable peat pellets so that you do not need to disturb the . 1 Sow seeds on top of moist seed . They are very tiny so mix with a little sand before sprinkling them lightly over the surface.
How do you care for Portulaca?
- Fertilize portacula every other week, using a liquid fertilizer with a balanced ratio such as 20-20-20. Alternatively, apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in midsummer. Apply fertilizer according to the specifications on the package label, and then water immediately.
Can you cut back Portulaca?
- Water thoroughly immediately after planting to help portulaca plants become established. Continue watering about once every two weeks during the hot summer months, but only if there has been no natural rainfall. Cut back portulaca when it begins to look leggy, usually around late summer.