What does it mean when something is dispersed?


What does it mean when something is dispersed?

What does it mean when something is dispersed?

transitive verb. : to spread or distribute from a fixed or constant source: as. a : to subject (as light) to dispersion. b : to distribute (as fine particles) more or less evenly throughout a medium.

What is the synonym for disperse?

Some common synonyms of disperse are dispel, dissipate, and scatter. While all these words mean "to cause to separate or break up," disperse implies a wider separation and a complete breaking up of a mass or group. police dispersed the crowd.

What is an example of dispersed?

An example of to disperse is when fog is blown away by wind. To disperse is defined as to break up and spread in many directions. An example of to disperse is when people in a crowd walk away from each other. An example of to disperse is when light through a prism is broken up into the colors of the rainbow.

Is it disperse or disburse?

To disperse is to scatter, and to disburse is to pay. Don't get them mixed up — you don't want your money to disperse! To remember the difference, look at the letters: Disperse a party but disburse from a bank.

Is Redisperse a word?

To disperse again or anew.

Is it disburse or disperse?

To disperse is to scatter, and to disburse is to pay. Don't get them mixed up — you don't want your money to disperse! To remember the difference, look at the letters: Disperse a party but disburse from a bank.

Which is the closest antonym for the word disperse?

antonyms for disperse

  • accumulate.
  • appear.
  • arrive.
  • collect.
  • marry.
  • unite.
  • hide.
  • hold.

What are three means of dispersal?

Three Kinds of Dispersal Leading to Range Expansion Jump Dispersal. Diffusion. Secular Migration.

Is disperse a real word?

verb (used with object), dis·persed, dis·pers·ing. to drive or send off in various directions; scatter: to disperse a crowd. to spread widely; disseminate: to disperse knowledge. to dispel; cause to vanish: The wind dispersed the fog.

Can you disperse money?

Ensuring Funds Are Available for the Long-Term One of the biggest advantages of a trust is that you have control over how the money in the trust is dispersed to the beneficiaries. ... You can set the trust up to be dispersed when the child reaches a certain age, say 25, 30, or even 50 years old.

What does the name disperse mean?

  • scatter, disperse, dissipate, dispel mean to cause to separate or break up. scatter implies a force that drives parts or units irregularly in many directions. the bowling ball scattered the pins disperse implies a wider separation and a complete breaking up of a mass or group.

What does disperse mean?

  • How does the verb disperse differ from other similar words? Some common synonyms of disperse are dispel, dissipate, and scatter. While all these words mean "to cause to separate or break up," disperse implies a wider separation and a complete breaking up of a mass or group.

What is the definition of disperse?

  • Definition of disperse. transitive verb. 1a : to cause to break up (see break up sense 1a) police dispersed the crowd. b : to cause to become spread widely disperse the troops. c : to cause to evaporate or vanish sunlight dispersing the mist.

What does dispersed mean?

  • DISPERSED (adjective) The adjective DISPERSED has 1 sense: 1. distributed or spread over a considerable extent Familiarity information: DISPERSED used as an adjective is very rare.

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