Come scaricare app di PokerStars su Android?


Come scaricare app di PokerStars su Android?

Come scaricare app di PokerStars su Android?

Scarica e installa Scarica subito l'app di PokerStars per Android o accedi al 'Play Store' dal tuo dispositivo. Cerca e scarica 'PokerStars Poker'. Il download potrebbe richiedere alcuni minuti, a seconda della velocità della tua connessione wireless o dei tuoi dati mobili.

Come si caricano i soldi su PokerStars?

Utenti app: per effettuare un deposito, accedi al tuo account, seleziona la scheda Soldi veri nella lobby e clicca sul pulsante 'Deposita'. Tocca quindi il pulsante 'Ricarica Cash' e segui le istruzioni che appaiono sullo schermo.

Come contattare PokerStars telefonicamente?


  1. 199.888.777 se telefoni dall'Italia *
  2. + 39. se chiami dall'estero.

Come si fa a registrarsi su Pokerstars?

Come posso aprire un account?

  1. Vai sul nostro sito web.
  2. Clicca su 'Scarica PokerStars'.
  3. Ti verrà chiesto di salvare il file di installazione del software.
  4. Salva il file, avvialo e, dopo l'installazione, sul desktop dovrebbe apparire la nostra icona.
  5. Aprila e seleziona 'Registrati'.

How do I contact PokerStars?

  • Formulate your question and/or problem clearly and explicitly.
  • Try to attach screenshots that display your issue (if it is a technical problem).
  • Be polite and don’t send a lot of same type letters,since you will have to wait for the answer longer.
  • Unfortunately,PokerStars doesn’t provide a phone number of its support service for a quick connection. ...

Who are the new PokerStars poker streamers?

  • Mason Pye ( PyeFacePoker)
  • Georgina James ( GJReggie)
  • Tom Hayward ( Pleb_method)
  • Alberto Pérez ( Catof_Poker)
  • Guillermo Inclan ( PokerStarsSpain)
  • Steve Enriquez ( PokerStarsSpain)
  • Benjamin Bruneteaux ( PokerStarsFrance)
  • Julien Brecard ( PokerStarsFrance)

How to find PokerStars players?

  • So, the easiest way to search players within PokerStars network is a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F . You simply have to press Ctrl+F when you in the poker room lobby. Insert player ID (Nickname) into a special window and press Find button: Next you'll see a window opened with a list of the tables which the player you need plays at (if he is unhidden):

Is online poker site PokerStars rigged?

  • But here is the quick answer. PokerStars is not rigged . It just appears that way sometimes due to the incredible speed of online poker. Because online poker sites like PokerStars typically deal hands 3 times faster than a live poker game, you should expect 3 times as many bad beats.

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