Come si vede con la retinopatia diabetica?


Come si vede con la retinopatia diabetica?

Come si vede con la retinopatia diabetica?

I sintomi della Retinopatia diabetica sono:

  1. macchie o fili scuri che galleggiano davanti agli occhi (miodesopsie)
  2. vista offuscata.
  3. aree scure e perdita dell'acutezza visiva.
  4. ipovisione.
  5. difficoltà nella percezione dei colori.
  6. cecità

How to reverse diabetic retinopathy naturally?

  • Natural Remedies & Treatments for Diabetic Retinopathy and AMD. Use a superior nutrition-based program (such as the Death to Diabetes Super Meal Nutritional Program) to eat more green vegetables, drink more raw vegetable juices, and eat foods with Omega-3s such as wild salmon, organic eggs, walnuts, and flaxseed.

How effective are treatments for diabetic retinopathy?

  • Diabetic retinopathy cannot be cured but effective treatments have been established that preserve vision and dramatically reduce the risk of vision loss. These treatments include laser treatments and vitrectomy surgery.

What is diabetic retinopathy and how is it treated?

  • Treatment for diabetic retinopathy may include laser surgery, vitrectomy, and injection of chemicals to stop new blood vessels from forming. Better control of blood sugar slows the start and progression of retinopathy. It also lessens the need for laser surgery for severe retinopathy.

When should I talk to my doctor about diabetic retinopathy?

  • You or your child has been diagnosed with diabetes and you have not discussed retinopathy and routine eye exams with your doctor.
  • You experience either gradual or sudden loss of vision.
  • You have diabetes and are considering pregnancy.
  • You are having trouble sticking to your doctor's recommendations for controlling blood sugar.

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