Come si arriva ad Exuma?

Come si arriva ad Exuma?
Ad Exuma si arriva con l'aereo partendo da Miami e il volo diretto di American Airlines/American Eagle (solo uno al giorno) dura circa 50 minuti. Esistono anche voli che fanno scalo a Nassau. Gli aerei non sono piccoli piccoli, per intenderci sono tipo quelli di Ryanair, viva i termini tecnici.
Dove si trovano le isole Exuma?
Bahamas Exuma è un arcipelago e un distretto delle Bahamas composto da oltre 365 isole e isolotti (cays) con una popolazione di 7.314 abitanti secondo il censimento del 2010. Great Exuma, lunga circa 60 km, è l'isola più grande dell'arcipelago e su di essa è situata George Town, il capoluogo del distretto.
Why choose Great Exuma Grand Isle Resort?
- Great Exuma has always been the best kept secret of savvy tropical vacationers. Ideally located on Emerald Bay, Grand Isle Resort & Spa is your gateway to exploring this island paradise. Great Exuma is all about life on and in the water. It's the stunning beauty of the Exuma Cays and the amazing creatures that call it home.
What is the difference between Little Exuma and Great Exuma?
- Great Exuma island has an area of 61 sq mi (158 km²) while Little Exuma has an area of 11 sq mi (29 km²). Between 20, the population of Exuma more than doubled, reflecting the construction of large and small resort properties and the related direct air traffic to Great Exuma from locations as distant as Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Where is exexuma view?
- Exuma View is a low density, Eco-friendly 150 acre development located on Little Exuma. Approximately a 40 minute drive from the Moss Town Airport... More Info
What was the population of Exuma in 2010?
- Between 20, the population of Exuma more than doubled, reflecting the construction of large and small resort properties and the related direct air traffic to Great Exuma from locations as distant as Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The population in 2010 was 6,928.