Come fare un private label?

Come fare un private label?
Private Label: come iniziare a strutturare un nuovo business
- Individuare la nicchia di mercato.
- Studiare la concorrenza.
- Ricercare un produttore private label.
- Studiare e realizzare il prodotto.
- Dedicarsi a packaging e design.
- Controllo qualità e documentazione tecnica.
- Non minimizzare confezionamento e logistica.
What is private label in Italy?
- This basically means that your products manufactured in Italy will come with your own label and, if you wish, with the sought-after "made in Italy" mark too. Most Italian factories offer Private Label, but some of them don't.
What is private label in fashion?
- More and more fashion companies, designers, retail chains and large shops want to have their products through a Private Label service. This basically means that your products manufactured in Italy will come with your own label and, if you wish, with the sought-after "made in Italy" mark too.
Are Italian handbags really made in Italy?
- Many Italian handbag manufacturers and brands let you customize their models with your own label and the sought-after "made in Italy" claim. You can also bring your original handbag designs and have them manufactured in Italy, with the highest quality and the best materials.
How to match a low budget to a private label?
- Low budgets have NO chance to match such a kind of Private Label service. In case of scenario 2., clear and detailed sketches, drawings and technical data must be provided to the Italian company. The more information you provide the better the understanding of the company about what you want to get.