Cosa significa il termine kebab?


Cosa significa il termine kebab?

Cosa significa il termine kebab?

«carne arrostita»]. – Pietanza della cucina mediorientale, a base di carne di montone o d'agnello cotta alla griglia, infilzata in grossi strati sovrapposti su uno spiedo verticale e tagliata longitudinalmente per ottenerne strisce sottili, spesso servita con varie salse e verdure, spec.

Chi fa i kebab?

[keˈbab]; in arabo كباب, kebāb, "carne arrostita"; in turco kebap) è un piatto a base di carne, tipico della cucina turca, divenuto popolare in tutto il mondo grazie alle immigrazioni dal Medio Oriente.

What does kebab mean in English?

  • English Language Learners Definition of kebab. : a dish made by pushing a long, thin stick (called a skewer) through pieces of meat and vegetables and cooking them on a grill. See the full definition for kebab in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What is the difference between shish kebab and shish?

  • Shish kebab is a dish consisting of small cubes of meat or fish threaded on a skewer and grilled. Şiş, pronounced [ʃiʃ], is a Turkish word meaning "sword" or "skewer". In the US, the word "kebab" usually refers to shish kebab.

What is another name for doner kebab?

  • Seasoned oblong meatballs cooked on skewers, known in other regions as lule kebab or kufte, are called kyabab, with the emphasis on the first syllable. Karsi khorovats is the Armenian name for doner kebab, which the city of Kars became known for during the time of the Ottoman Empire.

What is the difference between kebabs and khorovats?

  • While English speakers may refer to souvlaki skewers as kebabs, they are not properly called that in Greece. In Armenian cuisine, khorovats ( Armenian: խորոված) is a dish of pieces of meat grilled on flat skewers known as shish or shampoor.

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