What is the meaning of check list?


What is the meaning of check list?

What is the meaning of check list?

: a list of things to be checked or done a pilot's checklist before takeoff also : a comprehensive list.

What is checklist example?

The definition of a checklist is a list of things that can be checked off as completed or noted. An example of a checklist is when you have ten things to do for work and you make a list of all of them and you check them off as you accomplish each of them.

Is it check list or checklist?

Also check list . a list of items, as names or tasks, for comparison, verification, or other checking purposes.

Is checklist one word or two?

1. Also, check′ list`. a list of items for comparison, verification, or other checking purposes. 2. to place on a checklist.

What is the use of checklist?

Checklists are tools used to better organize your assignments and to verify, easily, your most important tasks. They have been designed to reduce errors and ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a duty.

What is another word for checklist?

In this page you can discover 11 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for checklist, like: , booklet, , flowchart, handbook, proforma, guideline, workbook, toolkit, guide and risk assessment.

How do you write a checklist?

How to create your checklist

  1. Step 1: Do a “brain dump” ...
  2. Step 2: Organize and prioritize tasks. ...
  3. Step 3: Put them on your to-do list. ...
  4. Step 4: Check off each item as you complete it. ...
  5. Step 5: Continue adding items as they come up.

How do you write a good checklist?

5 Tips for Creating Great Checklists

  1. Structure it logically. A good quality checklist guides the user. ...
  2. Make questions simple and unbiased. Every question in a checklist needs to be understood by its user. ...
  3. Clarify the objective. ...
  4. Provide help and guidance. ...
  5. Emphasise the right questions. ...
  6. Conclusion.

How do you use checklists?

You can use the checklists for the following tasks:

  1. Carrying out activities in which it is important that no step is forgotten and / or tasks must be done in an established order.
  2. Carrying out inspections where it must be recorded what the inspected points were.
  3. Verify or examine articles.

Why is checklist from necessary?

Checklists provide detail for every step in a process, thereby keeping things organised. Can be used a visual reminder, a way of prioritising tasks and schedule everything that needs to be done so deadlines are not missed. Simple and easy to use and very effective in ensuring you complete all the steps.

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