Dove comprare la vignetta per l'Austria?


Dove comprare la vignetta per l'Austria?

Dove comprare la vignetta per l'Austria?

I contrassegni sono in vendita presso:

  • gli uffici dell'Automobile Club Austriaco (OeAMTC, ARBO);
  • le stazioni di servizio (anche in città o sugli svincoli autostradali);
  • i caselli autostradali A9, A10, A11, A13, S 16;
  • il confine autostradale Brennero;
  • in tabaccheria.

Dove si può acquistare il bollino svizzero?

I contrassegni possono essere acquistati presso:

  • gli uffici postali.
  • le stazioni di servizio.
  • le autorimesse.
  • le agenzie del Touring Club Svizzero (TCS)
  • gli uffici cantonali della circolazione stradale.

Where can I buy the Austrian vignette?

  • is one of the few websites to offer the Austrian Vignette. Due to legislation in force in Austria, as a consumer, you cannot use the digital vignette immediately after purchase – it is valid at the earliest 18 days after purchase.

What is the validity of the digital vignette in Austria?

  • The Vignettes in Austria have a validity of 10 days, 2 months or one year. We are offering a complete and quick solution for the Austrian Digital Vignette. The confirmation will be in your E-Mail Inbox within max. 24 hours.

How to buy a digital vignette with ASFiNAG?

  • Click on the ASFINAG toll shop or open our free app Unterwegs. Choose between car and motorcycle and click on the desired product: 10-day, 2-month or yearly vignette. Enter the country of registration, the license plate of your vehicle, your email address and the start of the validity period of the digital vignette.

Where is the digital vignette linked to?

  • The Digital Vignette is linked to the number plate. The new Digital Vignette does not have to be glued onto the windscreen and it does not have to be scratched off.

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