Cosa è il toe?


Cosa è il toe?

Cosa è il toe?

1 (Anat) dito m. del piede: big toe alluce. ... della zampa, dito m. del piede.

Come si dicono le stagioni in tedesco?

der Frühlingprimavera
der Sommerestate
der Herbstautunno
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In che ordine sono i giorni della settimana in inglese?

Come si scrivono i giorni della settimana in inglese Monday, lunedì Tuesday, martedì Wednesday, mercoledì Thursday, giovedì

What is the meaning of toe?

  • any of the five long, thin parts at the end of the foot, similar to the fingers of the hand: I broke a toe when I caught my foot in a door. Toe also refers to the end of a shoe or sock: That sock has a hole in the toe.

What does toe mean in automotive engineering?

  • Toe (automotive) In automotive engineering, toe, also known as tracking, is the symmetric angle that each wheel makes with the longitudinal axis of the vehicle, as a function of static geometry, and kinematic and compliant effects. This can be contrasted with steer, which is the antisymmetric angle, i.e.

What is the difference between Negative toe and Positive toe?

  • This can be contrasted with steer, which is the antisymmetric angle, i.e. both wheels point to the left or right, in parallel (roughly). Negative toe, or toe out, is the front of the wheel pointing away from the centerline of the vehicle. Positive toe, or toe in, is the front of the wheel pointing towards the centerline of the vehicle.

What does it mean to drive with your toes?

  • 1 : to touch, reach, or drive with the toe toe a football. 2 : to furnish with a toe toe a sock. 3 : to drive (something, such as a nail) obliquely also : to clinch or fasten by or with nails or rods so driven.

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