Come era divisa la societa induista?


Come era divisa la societa induista?

Come era divisa la societa induista?

I testi religiosi indiani più antichi descrivono il sistema castale come base dell'ordine sociale, secondo il quale la popolazione Hindu viene suddivisa in quattro gruppi principali: Brahmini (traducibile più o meno come “sacerdoti”), Kshatrya (“guerrieri”), Vaishya (“commercianti”) e Shudra (“operai”, lavoratori ...

Che cosa significa il nome paria?

– 1. Nome con cui nell'uso europeo sono indicati gli individui appartenenti alle classi sociali più basse dell'India, detti anche intoccabili. Per estens., persona di condizione sociale molto bassa, che è o si sente emarginata, oppressa e spregiata: i p. della società; essere trattato come un paria.

What is the caste system in India based on?

  • Modern India's caste system is based on the social groupings called jāti and the theoretical varna. The system of varnas appears in Hindu texts dating back to 1000 BCE and envisages the society divided into four classes: Brahmins (teachers, scholars and priests), Kashatriyas (warriors and nobles), Vaishyas (farmers,...

What are the limitations of the caste system?

  • The socio-economic limitations of the caste system are reduced due to urbanization and affirmative action. Nevertheless, the caste system still exists in endogamy and patrimony, and thrives in the politics of democracy, where caste provides ready made constituencies to politicians.

What is the meaning of caste in anthropology?

  • Social and cultural anthropology. Caste is a form of social stratification characterized by endogamy, hereditary transmission of a lifestyle which often includes an occupation, status in a hierarchy, customary social interaction, and exclusion.

How important is caste for political mobilisation?

  • Political parties and the state perceive caste as an important factor for mobilisation of people and policy development. Studies by Bhatt and Beteille have shown changes in status, openness, mobility in the social aspects of Indian society.

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