Quante persone entrano al Tomorrowland?


Quante persone entrano al Tomorrowland?

Quante persone entrano al Tomorrowland?

Il festival ha attirato circa 180 000 persone da tutto il mondo ed i biglietti sono stati tutti venduti nel giro di un solo giorno. Anche questa edizione si è potuta seguire in streaming sul sito ufficiale di Tomorrowland.

Quanto si paga Tomorrowland?

Il Pass “normale” costa 109.00€. Il PLEASURE DAY PASS per una singola giornata, offre anche l'accesso a 3 aree “Comfort”'esclusive ad eccezione della Mainstage. Costa 170.00€. Il COMFORT DAY PASS per una singola giornata, offre anche l'accesso all'area VIP del Mainstage e altre zone esclusive.

Quante persone c'erano al Tomorrowland 2019?

I numeri. 17 palchi (18 incluso quello a Dreamville, il mega camping del festival), oltre 1.000 artisti, 200mila presenze ogni week-end provenienti da 200 nazioni differenti, 55 voli con dj set a bordo, 30 party in gate di aeroporti, 641mila metri quadrati la grandezza di Dreamville, pari a 128 campi da calcio.

Quando si fa il Tomorrowland?

22 lug – Tomorrowland/Date

Dove si svolge Tomorrowland 2021?

Boom Il festival si svolge a Boom, vicino ad Anversa. Data: 27-20/08 & 03-05/09/2021.

Dove Comprare biglietti Tomorrowland 2021?

I biglietti per il Tomorrowland 2021 sono su StubHub!

What is Tomorrowland and what is it for?

  • The festival that turns a Boeing 747 into a party mid-air. The festival that brings together 180,000 attendees from over 100 countries worldwide. The festival that is Tomorrowland! What is it: The largest EDM festival in the world, originating in 2005. When is it: Every Summer usually towards the end of July.

Where is Tomorrowland 2021 taking place?

  • Like every year, the music festival will be taking place in Boom, Belgium, however due to the current Covid-19 situation the dates for the festival have been shifted from last two weekends of July to August end. Also, Tomorrowland 2021’s theme is yet to be announced. It would probably be announced in May 2021.

How many people were in attendance at Tomorrowland?

  • 185,000 people from over 75 countries around the world were in attendance, with 35,000 of them staying in Dreamville. Because of the enormous success of Tomorrowland and the fact that it is a Belgian festival, ID&T decided to give Belgians an exclusive chance with a pre-sale (80,000 of the 180,000 tickets) on March 24.

Is Tomorrowland festival in Belgium sold out?

  • It’s no secret that the tickets for Tomorrowland Festival in Belgium gets sold out pretty soon and finally getting one is nothing less than luck either. But, if ‘how much does it cost’ and ‘what ticket to buy’ are your primary concerns, then you need to know that entry to Tomorrowland music festival requires both patience and money.

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