Cosa vuol dire Epigastralgia?

Cosa vuol dire Epigastralgia?
epigastralgia Dolore localizzato all'epigastrio. Le cause di e. sono molte, e si possono suddividere in: viscerali, topograficamente corrispondenti all'epigastrio; riflesse; cardiache; vascolari.
Che vuol dire epigastrico?
Nel linguaggio anatomico, il termine epigastrio (o regione epigastrica) identifica la zona più alta e centrale dell'addome, delimitata superiormente dalle cartilagini costali e inferiormente dalla regione ombelicale.
Cosa mangiare quando si ha Epigastralgia?
» frutta cotta o fresca ben matura (circa 300 gr al giorno); » formaggi magri (ricotta vaccina, mozzarella vaccina, fiocchi di latte, caciottina fresca); » carne magra (es: manzo magro, vitello o vitellone magro, petto di pollo, petto, ecc.)
What is epigastric pain and what causes it?
- Epigastric pain is felt in the middle of the upper abdomen, between the ribs and the bellybutton. The pain may be mild or severe. Pain may spread from or to another part of your body. Epigastric pain may be a sign of a serious health problem that needs to be treated. What causes epigastric pain? The cause of your pain may not be known.
How do you treat epigastric pain caused by acid reflux?
- Over-the-counter or prescription antacids to help reduce frequent acid reflux and epigastric pain caused by stomach acid may be helpful. Occasional epigastric pain is not usually a cause for concern, but anyone with severe or persistent epigastric pain should see their doctor.
Where is the inferior epigastric vessel located?
- It is found on the anterior abdominal wall, passing superomedially from the inguinal canal towards the midline. The inferior epigastric vessels give off several branches that supply the skin and muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, the deep structures of the abdominal wall and the spermatic cord.
When should I go to the ER for epigastric pain?
- See your doctor right away if your epigastric pain is severe, ongoing, or interfering with your daily life. You should go to the emergency room if you have any of the following symptoms: trouble breathing or swallowing. throwing up blood. blood in your stool or black, tarry stool. high fever. chest pain. difficulty breathing.