In che anni è ambientato Zagor?


In che anni è ambientato Zagor?

In che anni è ambientato Zagor?

Zagor vive nella immaginaria foresta di Darkwood ma con riferimenti reali situata vicino ai Grandi Laghi e al Canada nei primi decenni dell'Ottocento e come riferisce Sergio Bonelli: «[...]

Dove si trova la foresta di Darkwood?

Il mondo incantato di Zagor è una foresta immaginaria, chiamata con l'evocativo nome di Darkwood, al confine fra la Pennsylvania, la Virginia e l'Ohio.

Quando esce Martin Mystere?

A partire da venerdì 23 luglio è in edicola lo Speciale Martin Mystère 38, "Fiamme sulla laguna".

Is Zagor a real person?

  • Zagor was first published In Italy by Sergio Bonelli Editore in 1961. Zagor's real name is Patrick Wilding, the son of Mike and Betty. He is a western - tarzanesque character living in a fictional forest named Darkwood, located in Pennsylvania, north eastern United States.

Where does the name Zagor come from?

  • His name Zagor comes from his Indian name "Za-Gor Te-Nay", whose fictional meaning is "The Spirit with the Hatchet". Though the writers do not mention exact dates, Zagor is supposed to be active during the first half of the 19th century, or around 1825–1830.

What are Zagor's powers?

  • Zagor's abilities include almost superhuman strength, agility and endurance. His fighting prowess is extraordinary whether he finds himself in a gunfight or plain brawl. If needed, Zagor is more than capable of dealing with multiple opponents and is basically invincible in a one-on-one bout.

What is Zagor's war cry?

  • His war cry seems to be a roar of an unidentifiable (and presumably horrific) creature. This is one of Zagor's calling cards, the one which usually leaves wrongdoers in a frantic state of mind.

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