What does making a concession mean?


What does making a concession mean?

What does making a concession mean?

Essential Meaning of concession. 1 : the act of giving up something or doing something in order to reach agreement The company has been unwilling to make concessions (to the strikers) during negotiations. 2 : the act of admitting that you have been defeated in a contest We are waiting for his concession of the election ...

What is a concession word?

noun. the act of conceding or yielding, as a right, a privilege, or a point or fact in an argument: He made no concession to caution.

What is a concession in business?

A concession agreement is a contract that gives a company the right to operate a specific business within a government's jurisdiction or on another firm's property, subject to particular terms. ... Concession agreements are sometimes used to take advantage of other nations.

What is the synonym of concession?

Synonyms for concession. accommodation, compromise, give-and-take, negotiation.

What is concession staff?

A concession worker is a food service professional who works at a food stand or walks the aisles at a sporting or concert venue. As a concession worker, you may find work at other large public events, such as street fairs or carnivals.

What is a concession area?

Concession (territory), an area within one country that is administered by another, usually conceded by a weaker country to a stronger one. Concession (politics), failure to challenge or cessation of challenging, as in "conceding an election" or "conceding a game"

What is the opposite of concession?

▲ Opposite of an agreement or settlement of a dispute through making concessions. dispute. disagreement. quarrel.

Who is a Concessionist?

(kənˈsɛʃənɪst) n. a person who supports or recommends concession.

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