How did Pam Courson die?

How did Pam Courson die?
Overdose da eroina Pamela Courson/Causa della morte On Ap, Courson died of a heroin overdose on the living room couch at the Los Angeles apartment she shared with two male friends. Like Morrison, she was 27 years old when she died.
Who inherited from Jim Morrison?
Pamela Courson Morrison's girlfriend (or common-law wife in the eyes of the courts), Pamela Courson, inherited his entire estate. This would become legally binding if Ms. Courson lived for at least three months after he died.
Does Jim Morrison have a child?
His only known sweetheart was Patricia Kennelly, who worked for a music magazine. Their acquaintance happened in 1969, and a year later, the couple got married. But it never came to an official wedding. Jim Morrison also had no children.
Who owns the rights to The Doors music?
Publishing rights to Doors songs are owned jointly by the Morrison Estate and ex-Doors, Ray Manzarek, John Densmore and Robby Krieger. Manzarek met with Pamela and agreed not to sell the song. Interesting this as Manzarek met with her and agreed not to sell the song and not all three.
Is Pamela Courson still alive?
Deceased (1946–1974) Pamela Courson
Is Pamela Courson dead?
Deceased (1946–1974) Pamela Courson
What was Jim Morrison IQ?
Popular and intelligent -- he had an IQ of 149, and an 88 grade average while attending George Washington High School in Alexandria -- he could also be difficult, bizarre, even sadistic.
Who receives Jim Morrisons royalties?
The 74-year-old and her brother Andrew own half the estate, while the other half is under the supervision of the family of Morrison's late partner Pamela Courson, who died of an overdose in 1974, three years after Morrison, also at the age of 27.
Who gets royalties from the doors?
On Pamela's side, sister Judith is still alive and is likely to inherit when her mother dies. However the beneficiaries weigh out, they'll collectively be entitled to a 25% split of the Doors' residual income streams alongside Robby Krieger, John Densmore and the late Ray Manzarek's wife.