Quanto tempo è che è morto Pavarotti?

Quanto tempo è che è morto Pavarotti?
71 anni Luciano Pavarotti è morto all'età di 71 anni verso le 5 del mattino del 6 settembre 2007 nella sua villa a Santa Maria del Mugnano (Modena), dove era tornato il 25 agosto dopo un ricovero di 18 giorni nel Centro oncologico del Policlinico.
Come si chiama il figlio di Luciano Pavarotti?
Riccardo Pavarotti Luciano Pavarotti/Figli
Quanti soldi ha lasciato Pavarotti?
Luciano Pavarotti ha lasciato un patrimonio che sta tra i 2 milioni di euro, a cui si aggiungono proprietà immobiliari sparse in giro per il mondo.
Was Luciano Pavarotti an only child?
- Luciano Pavarotti was born 12 October 1935 in Modena, Italy. An only child , he was a sport enthusiast growing up. He gained his first fame as a member of his town's football (soccer) team. Luciano's father was an opera-lover and a talented amateur tenor. Luciano first sang with his father in the Modena chorus.
Who is Luciano Pavarotti the famous Italian opera singer?
- Luciano Pavarotti (1935-2007), was an Italian opera singer, and is probably, one of the most recognized and well-known faces in the industry. He was a part of 'The Three Tenors', and began with his professional career in 1961. He performed in opera houses all over the world, and his tone and voice captivated many listeners.
When did Pavarotti pass away?
- Luciano Pavarotti passed away. Septem by Tricia. I think I’m still a little shocked by the sudden death of Luciano Pavarotti. Pavarotti was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last year, and at 5 a.m. local time on Thursday September 6th he passed away in his Modena , Italy home.
Is Pavarotti still alive?
- Luciano Pavarotti died on Septem in Modena, Italy