Come si contrae la pitiriasi versicolor?


Come si contrae la pitiriasi versicolor?

Come si contrae la pitiriasi versicolor?

La pitiriasi versicolor è una condizione molto comune in entrambi i sessi, specialmente in età giovane adulta. La causa va cercata in un'eccessiva proliferazione del lievito Malassezia furfur, anche detto Pityrosporum ovale o orbicolare.

Quale fungo provoca la tinea versicolor?

La pitiriasi versicolor è causata da un fungo, il Pityrosporum orbicolare o Malassezia furfur, che vive normalmente sulla pelle sana (è un cosiddetto commensale saprofita). Solo occasionalmente, in presenza di fattori scatenanti, si moltiplica rapidamente, diventa aggressivo e causa la malattia (patogeno).

Is pityriasis versicolor the same as tinea versicolor?

  • The multiple colours of pityriasis versicolor give rise to the second part of the name, versicolor. Pityriasis versicolor is sometimes called tinea versicolor, although the term tinea should strictly be used for dermatophyte fungus infections. Who gets pityriasis versicolor?

Should I see a GP for pityriasis versicolor?

  • Although it may look unpleasant and the patches are sometimes itchy, pityriasis versicolor is harmless. You may still want to see a GP, as it usually only improves with treatment. They can normally diagnose pityriasis versicolor by examining your skin.

How long does pityriasis versicolor take to go away?

  • But it can take several weeks or months for your skin to return to its normal colour. In more persistent cases, treatment may need to be repeated. It's common for pityriasis versicolor to come back after treatment, particularly during the summer or during holidays to warm and humid countries.

Can terbinafine be used to treat pityriasis versicolor?

  • Oral terbinafine, an antifungal agent used to treat dermatophyte infections, is not effective for yeast infections such as pityriasis versicolor. Reapplication of a topical treatment such as selenium sulfide shampoo every month once the rash has cleared will usually prevent recurrence.

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