What is the synonym of depict?


What is the synonym of depict?

What is the synonym of depict?

characterize, detail, illustrate, interpret, paint, portray, represent, reproduce, sketch, delineate, design, image, limn, narrate, outline, picture, relate, report, sculpt, state.

What does depiction mean in simple terms?

Definition of depiction : a representation in words or images of someone or something The book is fascinating in its depiction of the country's early history.

How do you use the word depict in a sentence?

Depict sentence example

  1. The artist did not depict emotion: he depicted the subjects that produce emotion. ...
  2. Road maps depict major roads in a state. ...
  3. Colorful pictures depict the varied wildlife of the area.

What does it mean to depict yourself?

This is a representation of how we see ourselves or feel in general which can be taken however you want it to be taken; it is fun to do while at the same time you have the opportunity to listen to yourself and tune in to many of the below the surface elements that lead to insights and revelations, possibilities and ...

What is the noun of depict?

depiction. a lifelike image of something, either verbal or visual. a drawing or painting. a representation.

What is the suffix of depict?

Answer: suffix of depict is depiction.

Is a depiction real?

A depiction is a true representation of something, like the depiction of life as a Jewish teenager in hiding during World War II in Anne Frank's "The Diary of a Young Girl." The word depiction comes from the Latin word for "painting or description," depictionem. ... representation by drawing, painting, etc.

What is an example of a depiction?

representation in image form, as in a painting or illustration: Picasso's painting Guernica is an accurate depiction of the horrors of war. representation or characterization in words: Mark Twain's letters are a clear depiction of his life and times.

How do you use the word roil?

Roil in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The man's hateful speech was just enough to roil up the already uneasy crowd.
  2. Already irritated by his wife's crazy spending, it didn't' take much to roil up his boiling anger.
  3. The unfair referee's latest call was all it took to roil up the feisty crowd.

How do you use elapse in a sentence?

Elapse sentence example

  1. Probably several months elapse before the young larvae are excluded. ...
  2. But sufficient time must be allowed to elapse before pumping out the water, as otherwise the fire may break out again. ...
  3. Five years more were to elapse before he became master of the west and north.

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