Quali sono le arterie del corpo?
Quali sono le arterie del corpo?
Il sistema arterioso del corpo umano si può suddividere in arterie sistemiche, che portano il sangue dal cuore a tutto il corpo, e arterie polmonari, che portano il sangue dal cuore ai polmoni.
Che caratteristiche hanno le arterie?
Le arterie hanno pareti composte da tre tuniche: la tunica esterna, elastica e di composizione connettivale. la tunica media, costituita da fibre muscolari lisce. la tunica interna, che entra a contatto con il sangue, costituita da un tessuto ricco di fibre elastiche.
Quali sono le arterie elastiche?
Si considerano arterie di grosso calibro (di tipo elastico) quelle che hanno un diametro da 3 cm a 7 mm; comprendono l'aorta, i grossi vasi arteriosi (arteria brachiocefalica, arteria carotide comune, arteria carotide interna, arteria succlavia, arteria iliaca comune) e il tronco polmonare.
What is the structure and function of an artery?
- The walls (outer structure) of arteries contain smooth muscle fibre that contract and relax under the instructions of the sympathetic nervous system. Transport blood away from the heart Transport oxygenated blood only (except in the case of the pulmonary artery).
What are the 3 layers of the artery?
- The three layers of the artery wall are the innermost tunica intima, the outermost tunica admentita and the tunica media in between them. The tunica intima and the tunica admentita are both highly elastic, with the outer tunica admentita being the tougher of the two and rich in proteins.
What is the structure of arteries and veins?
- Despite being constructed of similar tissue types, the overall structure of arteries and veins is different. Arteries are round with thick muscular walls. In contrast, veins can have an irregular shape and are more likely to collapse as they have thinner walls.
What is the structure of the pulmonary artery?
- The pulmonary artery begins at the base of the heart's right ventricle. It is approximately 3 cm in diameter and 5 cm in length and it eventually divides into the left pulmonary artery and the right pulmonary artery. These arteries then deliver oxygen-depleted blood to each corresponding lung.