What does strut mean slang?

What does strut mean slang?
1. (slang) strut (one's) stuff. To behave or perform in an ostentatious manner; show off.
What does it mean when a girl struts?
(strʌt ) Word forms: struts, strutting, strutted. intransitive verb. Someone who struts walks in a proud way, with their head held high and their chest out, as if they are very important.
How does someone strut?
Someone who struts walks in a proud way, with their head held high and their chest out, as if they are very important. A strut is a piece of wood or metal which holds the weight of other pieces in a building or other structure. ... the struts of a suspension bridge.
How do you use the word strut?
Strut sentence example
- She told him not to strut around because it made him look silly. ...
- They strut about on the stage of the play like they were very famous actors. ...
- However, you can't strut the catwalk with a broken heel. ...
- The weight load was pushing downwards, causing pressure on the strut .
What does it mean to StRUT away?
1 intr to walk in a pompous manner; swagger.
Why do I StRUT?
Struts serve multiple purpose : the internal shock absorber will dampen the movement of the spring as it compresses and rebounds itself while the vehicle is travelling and with its spring it will support the weight of the vehicle while it is moving so that it can adapt to road irregularities In sum, while the shocks ...
What is the strut dance?
What does strutting look like?
Strut and swagger refer especially to carriage in walking. Strut implies swelling pride or pompousness; to strut is to walk with a stiff, pompous, seemingly affected or self-conscious gait: A turkey struts about the barnyard.
What does strut mean walk?
1. Strut and swagger refer especially to carriage in walking. Strut implies swelling pride or pompousness; to strut is to walk with a stiff, pompous, seemingly affected or self-conscious gait: A turkey struts about the barnyard.
Which animal can struts?
The Bird That Struts Its Stuff : NPR. The Bird That Struts Its Stuff The Greater sage-grouse is a large bird that makes its living in sagebrush habitats across the western U.S. and Canada.