Come guardare Sky Go sul computer?
Come guardare Sky Go sul computer?
Avere Sky Go è semplice Vai allo store del tuo device oppure su per PC o MAC. Ti basta aprire l'app, accedere con il tuo Sky iD e accettare i Termini e Condizioni.
Come collegare Sky Go dal telefono alla TV?
Tutto quello che dovrete fare sarà collegare i due device (qualora non vi fossero uscite HDMI disponibili potrete sempre optare per un adattatore disponibile su Amazon) e selezionare l'uscita HDMI corrispondente sul vostro televisore (basta cliccare Source sul telecomando e individuare la porta corrispondente).
What is Sky Go and is it on PC?
- Sky Go is an on-demand video service from Sky TV and it’s loaded with terrific video content. In this article, we’ll look at how you can set up Sky Go on PC and begin streaming your favorite films and shows. Is Sky Go on PC yet?
How much does skysky go cost?
- Sky Go is included at no extra cost to your Sky TV subscription. Got the Sky Go desktop app already? You are just 3 easy steps away from watching all of your favourite TV shows. Not on Windows?
What are the system requirements for skysky go?
- Sky Go is available on Windows, but only on systems running Windows 7 (with Aero theme enabled) and above. Mac users will need to run OS X 10.9 or above to use the application.
How can I watch Sky Go without using my data?
- Download the Sky Go desktop app today. The Sky Go desktop app makes it even easier for you to find the programmes you want to watch. And with Sky Mobile, you can watch Sky TV on the go without using your data. Sky Go is included at no extra cost to your Sky TV subscription. Start watching now. Start watching now.