Come contattare Direct Ferries?


Come contattare Direct Ferries?

Come contattare Direct Ferries?

contatti e numero verde Al momento non esiste un numero verde per contattare gratuitamente Direct Ferries, quindi dall'Italia puoi solo usare il numero 199 21 22 70 (che costa 0,31€/min da rete fissa e ha tariffa variabile dai cellulari), mentre dall'estero puoi chiamare il numero (+39) 06 94 80 10 80 che è gratuito.

Cosa significa rinuncia alle rivalse?

Rinuncia alla rivalsa: una tutela in più La rinuncia alla rivalsa è un'opzione che si può esercitare in fase di stipula di una polizza RC auto, ed esclude la rivalsa della Compagnia sull'assicurato in caso di cattiva condotta dello stesso.

How do I Manage my direct line policy online?

  • Sign in to your account and manage your Direct Line policy online. Sign in to your account and manage your Direct Line policy online. By using our website you consent to accepting cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Find out more Accept COVID-19Help and support

Why choose direct line for car insurance?

  • When asked, 80% of customers said Direct Line car insurance was cheaper than they thought. Based on a survey of 280 new motor customers in May 2021. Mice, moths, wasps, bees or ants - there are plenty of common unwanted pests that take up residence in our properties. They can cause disruption and often destruction too.

Who underwrites direct line general insurance?

  • Direct Line general insurance policies are underwritten by U K Insurance Limited. Registered office: The Wharf, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4AZ Registered in England and Wales No.1179980.

How do I cancel or suspend my direct line policy?

  • If you'd like to cancel your Direct Line policy please call us on 03 . You may also suspend your policy for a period of time if you meet certain criteria. For example, if your vehicle has been written off following an accident and you haven't yet purchased a new vehicle. Just call us on 03 .

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