Quanti tender point per fibromialgia?
- Quanti tender point per fibromialgia?
- Quali sono le visite da fare per la fibromialgia?
- Quali sono le cause della fibromialgia?
- Where are the fibromyalgia tender points located?
- What is the difference between trigger points and fibromyalgia?
- What does ffibromyalgia mean?
- How do I map out my exercise routine for fibromyalgia?

Quanti tender point per fibromialgia?
Per una buona diagnosi di fibromialgia, il medico dovrebbe trovare riscontro in almeno 11 di questi 18 tender points.
Quali sono le visite da fare per la fibromialgia?
Esame emocromocitometrico completo; Test di funzionalità tiroidea (TSH, FT4) e livello di calcio nel sangue; VES (velocità di eritrosedimentazione), PCR (Proteina C-reattiva), ANA test (anticorpi antinucleo), fattore reumatoide (RF); Creatinfosfochinasi (CPK);
Quali sono le cause della fibromialgia?
Lo stress può essere un importante fattore scatenante lo sviluppo della fibromialgia. La patologia è frequentemente associata a disturbi legati a questa condizione, come la sindrome da fatica cronica (CFS), il disturbo post-traumatico da stress, la sindrome del colon irritabile e la depressione.
Where are the fibromyalgia tender points located?
- The fibromyalgia tender points are symmetrical; they occur on both sides of the body. The trigger point locations are: Front lower sides of your neck. Upper chest. Inner elbows. Just above inner knees.
What is the difference between trigger points and fibromyalgia?
- Fibromyalgia, a chronic pain disorder, is often characterized by pain in multiple tender points. These tender points are sometimes confused with trigger points, which are associated with chronic myofascial pain.
What does ffibromyalgia mean?
- Fibromyalgia tender points are areas of pain around joints, but not in the joints themselves. Joint pain would be an indicator of arthritis, but tender points are a sign of fibromyalgia. These places hurt when you press on them.
How do I map out my exercise routine for fibromyalgia?
- Use the Fibromyalgia trigger points diagram to map out your exercise routine. Typically the Fibromyalgia Trigger points Diagram is used to show sufferers, where their pain is, or where their pain should be. These trigger points are located at 18 different locations on a sufferers body, both above and below the waist, front and back.