Che sintomi dà la neuropatia diabetica?


Che sintomi dà la neuropatia diabetica?

Che sintomi dà la neuropatia diabetica?

formicolio, solletico, punture di spilli, pelle d'oca, corrente elettrica “buzzz” torpore ai piedi (camminare sulla sabbia o su batuffoli di cotone) bruciore e prurito, dolorabilità generale, fitte lancinanti superficiali alle dita. sudorazioni, freddo o gelo/caldo eccessivo ingiustificati dalla temperatura.

Che cosa è la neuropatia diabetica?

La neuropatia diabetica (o piede neuropatico) è quella complicanza tardiva del diabete caratterizzata da segni e/o sintomi di disfunzione dei nervi periferici, in assenza di altre cause possibili diverse dal diabete.

What is the best treatment for diabetic neuropathy?

  • The newest guidelines from the American Diabetes Association recommend the anti-seizure drug pregabalin (Lyrica) as one of the first-line diabetic neuropathy treatments.

How to help diabetic neuropathy?

  • Regular exercise, such as walking three times a week, can reduce neuropathy pain, improve muscle strength and help control blood sugar levels. Gentle routines such as yoga and tai chi might also help. Quit smoking. Cigarette smoking can affect circulation, increasing the risk of foot problems and other neuropathy complications.

Can diabetic neuropathy be reversed?

  • Nerve damages caused by diabetic neuropathy cannot be reversed because the human body doesn’t have the potential to normally repair the damaged nerve cells.

What is the best home remedy for diabetic nerve pain?

  • One of the easiest natural home remedies for getting relief from diabetic nerve pain is taking a warm bath. Heat provides comfort and helps the healing process, as it improves blood circulation to the site of the damaged nerve. Moreover, warm water bath makes you get rid of stress and feel relaxed.

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